Often, sideswipe accidents occur when one driver is attempting to change lanes, but they can occur for other reasons as well. When someone is driving under the influence or texting while driving, they often lose focus on the road and this results in sideswipe accidents…. Read On
Accident News
- Aug 22, 2018
- Accident News
With winter fast approaching in Yakima, pedestrians soon face a daunting task—traversing one of the city’s icy sidewalks after a snowstorm. Unsurprisingly, hundreds of people each year slip and fall on ice while walking on sidewalks, some of whom sustain serious injuries. Determining legal liability… Read On
- Aug 22, 2018
- Accident News
Almost anyone can trip over their own feet. But slip and fall accidents are often caused by dangerous conditions that property owners have failed to correct. These falls happen at a variety of places—at work, in a business, at a private residence, or on public… Read On
- Aug 22, 2018
- Accident News
After a slip and fall, many people immediately begin thinking about how much they could get in a settlement. It’s no wonder. Slip and fall accidents cause serious injuries that can leave you holed up at home for weeks or months. Unable to work, and… Read On
- Jul 13, 2018
- Slip and Fall
Washington Slip and Fall Accident Statute of Limitations Slip and fall lawsuits are considered personal injury claims. Each state has its own set of rules governing how and when personal injury claims can be brought forth against an at-fault party. In the State of Washington,… Read On
- Jul 12, 2018
- Wrongful Death
Each year, more than 500 people die on the road in Washington, leaving behind grieving family members. Fortunately, if someone else is to blame for the death, then family members might be able to bring a wrongful death lawsuit against the motorist responsible. These civil… Read On
- Jul 12, 2018
- Wrongful Death
Wrongful death settlements are often larger than settlements for other types of lawsuits. After all, someone has died, and surviving family members have been deprived of any relationship with their loved one going forward. But how much money are you looking at? Unfortunately, no one… Read On
- Jun 12, 2018
- Accident News
Insurance companies are private corporations that operate for profit. When there is a claim against them, they have every incentive to deny that claim or stall you for as long as possible. Nonetheless, they are beholden to the law when it comes to paying off… Read On
- Jun 12, 2018
- Accident News
You sustained injuries in a car accident. You then submitted your insurance demand letter to the at-fault party’s insurance company. They came back with an offer that is significantly lower than what you asked for, and you don’t know how to respond to a low… Read On
- Jun 12, 2018
- Accident News
If you’ve been bitten by a dog, there are a number of relevant Washington-based laws that apply to your case. Individual states set the laws governing personal injury lawsuits, and dog bite cases are just that, personal injury lawsuits. Here, we’ll talk about the relevant… Read On