Our accident attorneys believe in community involvement. While our ultimate goal is to help people who have suffered injuries, we also want to help prevent injuries. We pride ourselves in offering free sober rides on specific holidays to reduce drinking and driving.

Free Sober Rides by Kapuza Lighty

Free Sober Rides by Kapuza Lighty

Holidays are times to celebrate with friends and family. However, they also bring increased danger to our roads, as more people than usual are out drinking and unfortunately, some choose to drive. It’s never a good idea to get behind the wheel after drinking, but it’s especially risky on major days of celebration – there are more drivers on the road, and enforcement is much more strict as well. To show our commitment to preventing DUIs and the resulting accidents, injuries, and deaths, the car accident attorneys at Kapuza Lighty are offering free rides home on certain holidays. Read more…