If you were injured in a car accident, you may be wondering if your health insurance will pay for the cost of medical expenses. This is not an unreasonable assumption. After all, health insurance is in place to pay for medical expenses. Unfortunately, when it comes to “liability,” most insurance companies are quick to place the responsibility on someone else. After all, insurance companies make money when policyholders stay whole and healthy—not when they receive thousands of dollars’ worth of injuries. When car accidents do result in injuries, insurance companies try their very best to hand the money baton off to another party.
If you were injured in a car accident and want to know whether or not your health insurance company will cover the costs, the answer is yes and no. The Yakima personal injury attorneys at Kapuza Lighty, PLLC, can help you review your options for compensation and help you determine where to go from there.
Car Insurance Pays First…But Whose?
Many states require drivers to carry either Personal Injury Protection or Medpay in addition to the standard auto insurance. However, Washington is not one of them. In the state of Washington, PIP and Medpay coverage are optional, which means that injured drivers can collect damages via one of two ways: through their own auto insurance or through the negligent party’s auto insurance.
Many personal injury lawsuits stem from the fact that the negligent party’s insurance company refuses to pay. If that happens, you can either fight for your right to compensation, and if you win, the insurance company will be forced to pay. However, if you lose, you can either appeal or seek compensation via your own insurance company. If you are forced to do the latter, you may find yourself faced with the same issue: a lawsuit. If you win, your auto insurance company will be forced to pay for damages. If you lose, you may be forced to bill your health insurance company.
The Umbrella of Health Insurance
Only once all other options have been exhausted should you pursue compensation via your insurance company. Keep in mind that even if you bill your health insurance company, you may be forced to pay it back. If you do end up winning compensation via a car accident claim, your insurance company can place a lien on your earnings and take the amount owed to them.
Contact a Yakima Personal Injury Attorney for Immediate Legal Assistance
If you were injured in a car accident, it is understandable that one of your main concerns regards how you are going to pay for medical expenses. This is a common concern, and a very serious one. Though you may have several options, it can be difficult to determine which insurance company is responsible for payment and, moreover, how to get the responsible party to pay. Our Yakima personal injury lawyers at Kapuza Lighty, PLLC, can help you identify the liable party and fight for your rights to compensation. Call our office today or contact us online to schedule your free consultation.