According to the Amputee Coalition, there are currently around 2 million people in the United States who have undergone an amputation. Car accidents are also the leading cause of traumatic amputations, which should not be surprising. Car accidents, particularly at high speeds, can generate tremendous… Read On

Thousands of people are injured every year in Washington car accidents. If you have been struck by another vehicle, you might have suffered devastating injuries that make it impossible to return to your everyday life. At our law firm, we understand how expensive it can… Read On

Every year, serious car crashes seriously injure millions of Americans. These victims may be entitled to substantial compensation for their economic losses, such as medical bills, and their noneconomic losses, including pain and suffering. However, the insurance company does not just give this money away…. Read On

The moments after a motorcycle crash can be disorientating. You might not know exactly what happened or who is to blame. But if you can get up and brush yourself off, then you should immediately begin collecting evidence that is crucial to your case. As… Read On

A large number of car accidents occur in parking lots. However, in determining legal liability, the rules of the parking lot are a lot like the rules of the road. Motorists and pedestrians owe a duty of care to those around them, and when they… Read On

There are a number of factors that go into determining fault in a lane change accident. Most importantly, however, is understanding the circumstances under which a lawsuit can be brought against another party. Since Washington is a tort state when it comes auto insurance claims,… Read On

There’s an urban legend that goes something like: if one driver rear-ends another driver, they are automatically at fault. That may be true in some states, but Washington operates on a pure comparative fault rule. That means that each driver is assigned some portion of… Read On

Often, sideswipe accidents occur when one driver is attempting to change lanes, but they can occur for other reasons as well. When someone is driving under the influence or texting while driving, they often lose focus on the road and this results in sideswipe accidents…. Read On